Yogyakarta Tourism Promotion working on synergy

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 5/3/10 0 komentar
Yogyakarta City will develop synergies with other areas both in Yogyakarta Special Region and other regions in Central Java province to promote tourism.
"Tourist destinations in the city of Yogyakarta is not too much."
- Deddy Pranowo Eryanto
"Tourist destinations in the city of Yogyakarta is not too much, there are only a few famous tourist destination such as the Kraton Yogyakarta, Taman Sari Taman Pintar and, therefore necessary to develop synergies with other areas to mendukung tourism promotion in the city of Yogyakarta," said Chairman of the Tourism Promotion Agency Yogyakarta (BP2KY), Deddy Pranowo Eryanto after the agency's new role as chairman of the period from 2010 to 2014 at City Hall in Yogyakarta, Friday (04/30/2010).
According to him, the purpose of the synergy that campaign is to conduct tourism promotion together and increase the number of tourist visits to the city of Yogyakarta as well as increased length of stay of tourists in the city.
"Usually, tourists choose to stay in Yogyakarta, although day trips in other areas. For example, tourists visiting the Solo, menginapnya in Yogyakarta. This potential needs to be developed," he said.
However, he keeps stressing that the development of tourism in Yogyakarta remained focused on a thematic tour in Yogyakarta that is culture-based tourism.
During this time, the weakness of tourism promotion in the city of Yogyakarta is unfulfilled adequate infrastructure facilities including the airport. "Recently there are direct flights from Malaysia and Singapore in Adisucipto Airport making it difficult to bring in tourists from Europe or other regions outside Asia," he said.
In 2009, the number of foreign tourists visiting Yogyakarta recorded 180 thousand people with 20 percent of them are from Malaysia. Number of foreign tourists visiting Yogyakarta in 2009 increased compared to 2008 which amounted to 120 thousand people.
"As a new board, I will continue the programs which have been shaped by the old board, with improvements to the program to develop the areas which have tourism potential," he said.
Meanwhile, Yogyakarta Mayor Herry Zudianto who inaugurated the committee states, tourism is the economic locomotive in Yogyakarta. "The tourism industry has the trickle down effect is very fast, has a unique and very broad market segment, so it is very interesting to develop," she said.
He affirmed that governments can not develop the tourism industry alone, but requires a partner who is able to embrace tourism industry players as well as other parties.
Herry also believes that the future, the tourism industry will be the economic drivers in DIY is not just in the city of Yogyakarta.

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