Krisis Global Juga Hantam Industri Pariwisata Dunia

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 11/21/08 0 komentar
JAKARTA, SELASA - Badan PBB untuk pariwisata (UN-WTO/United Nations World Tourism Organization) memperkirakan pertumbuhan pariwisata global akan menurun. "Karena krisis keuangan global diperkirakan akan berlanjut sampai 2009, UN-WTO memperkirakan persentase laju pertumbuhan kunjungan pariwisata global akan berada di kisaran 0 - 2 persen," kata Staf Ahli Menbudpar (Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata) Thamrin B Bachri melalui pesan singkat dari China, Senin (17/11).
Thamrin berpartisipasi mewakili Indonesia pada International Conference on Revitalization of Tourism and Confronting Crisis di Chengdu Propinsi Sichuan, Cina yang diprakarsi oleh UN-WTO dan CNTA (China National Tourism Administration) dari 15 November - 19 November 2008.
Mengutip UN-WTO, Thamrin mengatakan padahal persentase pertumbuhan kunjunan pariwisata global pada empat bulan pertama tahun 2008 sudah mencapai rata-rata 5,7 persen. "Bahkan pada bulan Mei 2008 terjadi peningkatan permintaan mencapai 7 persen. Namun mulai Juni, Juli, Agustus 2008 pertumbuhan menurun 2 persen sehingga untuk 8 bulan pertama 2008 rata-rata pertumbuhan dunia 3,7 persen," katanya.
UN-WTO memperkirakan pertumbuhan pariwisata dunia akan terus melambat sekitar 2 - 3 persen sampai dengan Desember 2008.
Dalam konferensi internasional tersebut, kata Thamrin, ada hasil-hasil penting yang perlu ditindaklanjuti oleh Indonesia yaitu bahwa pembangunan pariwista hendaknya dilihat secara seimbang dari dua sisi yaitu optimalisasi dampak positif pariwisata dengan peningkatan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan asing dan wisatawan domestik, serta meminimalisir bahkan mereduksi dampak negatif pariwisata misalnya menyiapkan program antisipasi dampak pemanasan global dari sektor pariwisata.
Selanjutnya, kendatipun pariwisata dunia diperkirakan akan mengalami krisis sebagai akibat berlanjutnya krisis keuangan dunia, lanjut Thamrin, namun agenda-agenda yang terkait dengan global warming dan pembangunan pariwisata yang berbasis pelibatan masyarakat harus tetap dilaksanakan. "Ini himbaun UN WTO kepada negara-negara anggotanya," katanya.

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Objek Wisata Pendidikan di DIY Perlu Dikembangkan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 11/20/08 1 komentar
YOGYAKARTA--MI: Objek wisata pendidikan di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY) perlu lebih dikembangkan agar menarik dikunjungi wisatawan pelajar yang jumlahnya setiap tahun selalu meningkat.

"Di Provinsi DIY terdapat sejumlah kampus terkenal yang bisa dijadikan objek wisata pelajar," kata Ketua Yayasan Widya Budaya Yogyakarta Widi Utaminingsih.

Kampus perguruan tinggi terkenal seperti Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), dan Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) bisa menjadi objek wisata menarik untuk dikunjungi siswa sekolah.

"Apalagi di Yogyakarta setiap liburan sekolah selalu didatangi ribuan pelajar yang datang dari berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Potensi ini mestinya tidak disia-siakan karena bisa menjadi kekuatan pariwisata di daerah ini," katanya.

Selain itu Yogyakarta juga memiliki puluhan museum yang bisa menjadi objek wisata pendidikan bagi wisatawan pelajar. Jika dikelola dengan baik diyakini museum akan mampu menarik minat siswa sekolah.

Museum jangan hanya dikesankan sebagai gudang menyimpan barang rongsokan, tetapi harus dikelola lebih menarik sehingga dapat menggerakkan minat wisatawan untuk mengunjunginya.

Sementara itu Kabag Operasional Monumen Jogja Kembali (Monjali) Kabupaten Sleman, Beny Sugito mengatakan monumen yang dikelolanya sejak awal memang fokus pada wisata pendidikan. "Siswa SD hingga SMU bahkan mahasiswa bisa datang sekaligus menggali informasi di Monjali," ujarnya.

Monjali merupakan museum perjuangan perlawanan merebut kota Yogyakarta dari tentara Belanda yang digambarkan dalam diorama perang gerilya. Di dalamnya juga ada koleksi peralatan perang pada zaman mempertahan kemerdekaan terutama di wilayah Yogyakarta. Setiap liburan sekolah ribuan pelajar dan mahasiswa mengunjungi Monjali yang berlokasi di jalan lingkar utara tersebut.

Widi menambahkan Pemprov DIY perlu mengembangkan objek wisata berbasis pendidikan agar wisatawan tidak jenuh mengunjungi daerah ini. "Yayasan Widya Budaya Yogyakarta yang selama ini aktif mengembangkan pariwisata berbasis pendidikan, studi pengembangan budaya dan pariwisata berbasis potensi lokal siap membantu pemerintah daerah," katanya. (Ant/OL-03)

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Tourism future bright despite travel warning: Minister

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 11/17/08 0 komentar

The Minister of Tourism and Culture Jero Wacik expressed optimism Thursday that the future of Indonesia's tourism remained bright despite a number of countries issuing travel warnings following the recent execution of three terrorists.

"Tourism conditions in Indonesia remain stable, particularly in Bali," he said.

Several countries, including Australia -- one of the largest contributors to tourist numbers -- has warned its citizens against traveling to Indonesia following the execution of Amrozy, Ali Ghufron and Imam Samudra.

The three were convicted terrorists responsible for the 2002 bombings of two popular night spots in Kuta. The blasts killed 202 people, mainly foreigners, and injured hundreds of others.

Jero said there were fears the executions would destabilize the country's security, but counterterrorism forces had managed to maintain stability.

Jero said he was confident that the travel warnings would not significantly affect the flow of foreign travelers into Indonesia, and denied they had triggered cancellations and a reduction in visitor numbers.

"Please check those facts. From which countries did these cancellations occur? Based on the report I received, everything is still going well," he said.

A small decline in tourist numbers over a one or two day period was normal, he said, but those instances should not be used to measure the overall conditions.

Citing official data, Jero said the number of foreigners visiting Bali was still around 6,000 tourists per day, exceeding the average of 4,500 visitors.

"This year the average soared to 6,000 and even 6,400 tourists per day. These are very good numbers," he said. Jero said this proved Bali was still a very attractive destination for holiday-makers.

From January to August 2008, 1,298,046 foreign and domestic tourists visited Bali, a monthly increase of around 10% compared to the same period last year.

"We think the numbers will remain at a high level, or even increase," Jero said.

Indonesia's receives the most tourists from Japan, Australia, Russia and Malaysia.

Source : Jakartapost

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Integrated spiritual tourism at Mt. Selok, Srandil

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 0 komentar

Mount Selok in Karangbenda village, Adipala district, Cilacap regency, Central Java, comprises more then 126 hectares of land and rises 150 meters above sea level.

Located along Cilacap's coastal area, the mountain is a perfect lookout spot to view the waves of the South Sea breaking on the foothills below.

About one kilometer to the east of Mount Selok, stands Mount Srandil. Although the two mountains are relatively of equal height, Mount Srandil comprises less than half the land area that Mount Selok does.

In the past, mounts Selok and Srandil make one tour package that blends the amazing beauty of the mountains and the sea. In addition, these two mountains are also very popular as places for Kejawen (Javanese) spiritual pilgrimage.

Unfortunately, the two mountains are now barren as most of the large trees that were once found there were felled illegally between 1999 and 2000. The mountain areas are no longer green and cool and only a number of caves and graves that the pilgrims hold sacred are left.

Mounts Selok and Srandil have been closed as tourist sites since the year 2000. The Jakarta Post, accompanied by a staff member of the local district government, toured the area to observe the many tourist facilities that had been damaged and neglected.

A number of bathrooms and a prayer house in the location were found in disrepair and looked like ghost houses. The paved road crossing Mount Selok area was also in a very condition.

"Given the present condition, we are trying to change the tourist concept at Mount Selok and Mount Srandil so that the two mountains will be the centers of integrated spiritual tourism," Budi Santoso, the district head of Adipala, told the Post recently.

According to Budi, the local administration could easily develop Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu and Kejawen spiritual tourism at these two mountains.

"Kejawen spiritual tourism has been very popular for a long time. Islamic and Buddhist spiritual tourism is less popular but the potential for such development is great," Budi said.

At the top of Mount Selok, he added, was the grave of Kyai Somalangu, one of the disciples of Prince Diponegoro. This, he said, made it an appropriate place for a Islamic spiritual tour site.

He said former president "Gus Dur" once went on a pilgrimage to the grave. "This is evidence that Kyai Somalangu was not just anybody," Budi said.

Buddhists, he added, could visit Padepokan Biksu, or a Buddhist monk dormitory, which is also located at the top of Mount Selok, about 2 km from the grave of Kyai Somalangu.

Built two years ago, the Buddhist dormitory is frequently visited by people from Cilacap and other surrounding areas.

The gateway leading to Padepokan Jambe 7 at Gunung Selok was inaugurated by former president Soeharto in 1979. It was here Soeharto went to meditate. (JP/Agus Maryono)The gateway leading to Padepokan Jambe 7 at Gunung Selok was inaugurated by former president Soeharto in 1979. It was here Soeharto went to meditate. (JP/Agus Maryono)

At the gateway to Mount Selok, a temple can be found where followers of Hinduism can perform their religious services.

"This mountain area is a center for Kejawan spiritual tourism. The most popular site is Padepokan Jambe 7, which was built by former president Soeharto in 1979. Soeharto often went to meditate there," said Budi.

There was also Padepokan Jambe 5, he said, which Mayangsari, a famous singer from Purwokerto, was also known to visit for meditation.

Since the demise of president Soeharto, Padepokan Jambe 7 had been neglected, Budi said, adding the local administration wished to once again open it up to the public.

Besides Padepokan Jambe 5 and Jambe 7, there are also caves that are popular among pilgrims, especially on certain days such as Kliwon Friday and Kliwon Tuesday, and in the month of Syura on the Javanese calendar.

These caves, or goa, include Goa Rahayu, Goa Naga Raja, Goa Bolong, Goa Paku Waja, Goa Putih, Goa Grujugan, Goa Tikus, Goa Lawa and Goa Kaendran.

Meanwhile, the grave of Kyai Somalangu, which is located on a former Japanese fort, is usually visited by people from Kebumen, Central Java.

The introduction of spiritual tourism in Mount Selok, Budi said, could restore its position as an alternative tourist site.

Karangbenda village head Umar Said, who is also a community elder in the Mount Selok area, confirmed that Mayangsari had visited the area for meditation purposes.

"Yes, Padepokan Jambe 5 was the special meditation place for Mayangsari," Umar Said said.

When the Post met the gatekeeper of Padepokan Jambe 7, Toto, he confirmed that Soeharto performed his meditation there together with his master, the late Romo Diyat.

"Yes, Romo Diyat built the Padepokan Jambe 7 meditation site in 1979. Until now, it has never been open to the public," said Toto, who lives in a house located behind Padepokan Jambe 7.

Toto said that behind his house, which he inherited from his grandfather, also a gatekeeper, there used to be a helipad.

"Now it is in disrepair as it has not been used for quite some time," he said.

Budi said the local administration would need the participation of investors to develop the two mountain sites into spiritual tourism centers.

Among other things, the roads leading to the two mountains must be resurfaced to attract more visitors, he said.

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Batik museum preserves Yogyakarta tradition

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 11/14/08 0 komentar

Slamet Susanto, The Jakarta Post, Yogyakarta

A new museum and study center inside the Yogyakarta palace complex is helping to preserve the region's batik tradition by educating a new generation of people about this important cultural heritage.

The batik on exhibit in the museum, which was recently opened by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, was donated by the palace and members of the public.

Sri Sultan said during the museum opening that it was important to preserve the art of batik, which he described as conveying important ethical and aesthetic lessons. He also said batik was closely associated with life; people are wrapped in batik when they are born and when they die.

Batik is also an expression of life and man's place in the universe, as depicted on the gawangan (wooden frame on which fabric is hung).

The bandul (fabric weight used in the batik-making process) represents the heart, and the lancing wax is the gem of one's soul. Each item used in the batik-making process batik equipment has its own significance.

The 150-square-meter museum contains batik cloth dating back as far as hundreds of years, as well as new pieces donated by the palace and the public. The museum also houses batik paraphernalia, such as canting (small dipper used to apply wax in the batik process) and different types of wax.

There is a large selection of canting and wax, in all different sizes and shapes, according to their function.

Kote wax, for instance, functions as a cloth whitener and protector, tembok wax blocks parts of the design that will be white later, biron covers the first color applied during the dying process and gondorukem is used as a mixture in wax to produce fine etchings.

A piece of batik with a parang barong motif and tassels at its ends, worn by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII during his coronation in 1921, is also exhibited at the museum.

Upon entering the building, visitors will be amazed by the sheer variety of the motifs on display. There are about 60 modern pieces of batik in various patterns, including parang, cuiri, truntum, ceplok, sido mukti and sido luhur.

The art of batik has developed over the course of centuries, since the era of the Hindu and Buddhist empires, as can be seen in batik motifs in a number of ancient temples, such as the Sewu and Prambanan temples.

Batik has gone through extraordinary changes over the centuries, and today batik designs have been incorporated into hotels, shopping malls and government buildings, and batik has become part of the national dress.

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Museum exhibits rare West Java batik

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 1 komentar

The Jakarta Post ,  Jakarta   |  Wed, 11/12/2008 10:45 AM  |  City

TOO SEXY FOR BATIK: Models present modern batik clothes at the opening of the West Java Batik Exhibition at the Textile Museum in Central Jakarta on Tuesday. The museum organizes the two-week exhibition to promote West Javan batik. (JP/Nani Afrida)TOO SEXY FOR BATIK: Models present modern batik clothes at the opening of the West Java Batik Exhibition at the Textile Museum in Central Jakarta on Tuesday. The museum organizes the two-week exhibition to promote West Javan batik. (JP/Nani Afrida)

Batik took to the catwalk Tuesday in a flashy display of modern fashion during the opening of the West Java Batik Exhibition at the Textile Museum in Central Jakarta.

"I thought batik only came from Central Java. I never heard of West Java batik before," said a visitor to the exhibition, which is being held until Nov. 23.

West Java Batik, based on a tradition dating back to 1430, is not as well known as batik from Solo, Yogyakarta and Pekalongan.

"Only a few people know that West Java has its own traditional batik, which comprises the history and philosophy of the region in its beautiful motifs," said Dyah Damayanti, the head of the museum.

The exhibition, titled "West Java Tradition", displays about 100 various kinds of batik from several areas in West Java, such as Tasikmalaya, Ciamis, Garut, Cirebon, Bandung and Indramayu.

"In some West Java areas, batik is already extinct, like batik Ciamis," Dyah said.

West Java Batik features motifs derived from the Sunda culture, which was influenced by both Hindu and Islam as well as cultures from China, India and the Netherlands.

Among the most recognizable of the West Java batik motifs are buketan galang gasi, parang kembang, lunglungan, urang ayu and mega mendung.

West Java batik is different from Central Java batik because of its use of vibrant colors like green, red, orange and blue.

Antique batik fabrics are on display at the exhibition, including a rare 300-year-old banner from Cirebon that features Arabic calligraphy.

"We hope that this event will inform visitors that Indonesia has many places with a unique batik style," Dyah said.

The fashion show featured the designs of several prominent batik designers and producers in Indonesia, such as Danar Hadi, Komar, Tiga Putri and Warna Alam Roso.

The exhibition is the result of a scenography workshop held in cooperation with the Dutch government. (naf)

Textile Museum
Jl. KS Tubun No. 4
Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta
Opening hours:
Tuesday - Thursday, Saturday - Sunday
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Monday and public holidays: closed

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The Indonesian Travel Market - TIME 2008 in Makassar successfully concluded

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 11/11/08 0 komentar

MAKASSAR - The Indonesian annual travel mart, Tourism Indonesia Mart&Expo (TIME) or 'Pasar Wisata Indonesia' is concluded today with total attendance of 104 buyers from 21 countries. The top five buyers consisted of Malaysia, Korea, India and Indonesia, Singapore, and the Netherlands. TIME 2008 also attracted 108 sellers from 16 provinces of Indonesia, which mostly come from Jakarta, South Sulawesi, Bali, North Sulawesi, West Nusa Tenggara, Yogyakarta and East Kalimantan, and Papua.

The percentage of sellers based on industry is hotel, resort and spa (75 percent), NTO (10 percent), tour operator/travel agent (7 percent), adventure/activity holiday (3 percent), airline (1.5 percent), and others (hotel management, tourism board, tourism organization and travel portal (8.5 percent).

The above was reported during the closing press conference of TIME 2008 by the organizing committee of TIME 2008. "Despite the current global financial crisis and EU ban to Indonesian airlines, TIME 2008 has booked an estimated transaction of US$15.2 million," said Meity Robot, chairperson of TIME 2008.

"The conduct of TIME 2008 in Makassar has proven successful as a result of good cooperation among the organizing committee and organizer of TIME 2008 together with the local committee, which comprises the provincial government of South Sulawesi, City of Makassar, and the entire tourism industry, as well as associations in South Sulawesi and Makassar," said Meity.

"We have heard some positive comments and constructive notes have been expressed by delegates of TIME 2008 saying that Makassar has grown significantly since the last TIME 2006 and has shown tremendous progress in featuring the city as a travel and MICE destination, with its newest international airport and convention center, as well as development of new hotels and tourism attractions," said Meity.

Buyers and international travel writers are given the opportunity to take part in the post-tour program to Toraja for 3 days and 2 nights.

The organizing committee of TIME has decided that next year's TIME will be held in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara. At press time by West Nusa Tenggara yesterday, the provincial government of West Nusa Tenggara represented by the vice chairman of DPRD West Nusa Tenggara, in association with the Lombok and Sumbawa tourism board, stated that with full support from the provincial government of West Nusa Tenggara, together with the entire tourism industry and association, they are ready to host TIME 2009 and 2010 and will assure that the venue, as well as infrastructure, will be ready in time so that TIME in Lombok will be successful.

Lombok is only a 20-minute flight from Bali. The island possesses various tourism potentials, from nature (mountain, sea, and land) to culture and arts, which could attract an international market. Presently, Lombok has 3,000 hotel rooms with international standards. With the present development of hotels in Lombok, by 2009 Lombok will have around 3,500 hotel rooms.

In terms of accessibility, Lombok is flown from Singapore by Silk Air; from Malaysia by Merpati Nusantara; from Jakarta by Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air, and Batavia Air; from Surabaya by Merpati Nusantara, Lion Air, Batavia Air, and Citylink; and from Bali by Merpati Nusantara, Trigana Air, and Indonesia Air Transport. Beginning December 2008, the island will have a direct flight from Perth, Australia. Moreover, Lombok is now developing its international airport.

"The shifting of TIME to Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara will be for two consecutive years - 2009 and 2010 - and is aimed at promoting Lombok and West Nusa Tenggara to the international market, as well as to foster the development of tourism facilities and improvement of infrastructure in the region so that at the end, the destination could enjoy itself as a global travel destination," Meity Robot concluded.

Last year, TIME 2006 in Makassar was attended by 110 buyers from 21 countries and 124 sellers from 20 provinces with a recorded transaction value of USD$15 million, whereas previously TIME 2005 in Yogyakarta was attended by 84 buyers from 23 countries and 128 sellers from 20 provinces with a transaction value of USD$13 million.

TIME 2008 is supported by the ministry of culture and tourism of the Republic of Indonesia, South Sulawesi provincial government, the city of Makassar, the South Sulawesi culture and tourism office, the Makassar culture and tourism office, Garuda Indonesia as the official carrier, Singapore Airlines, Etihad Airways, Korean Air, INACA (Indonesia National Air Carriers Association), BARINDO (Board of Airline Representatives Indonesia), the embassies of Indonesia overseas, ASITA (Indonesian tour operators and travel agencies) South Sulawesi, PHRI (Indonesia Hotel and Restaurant Association) South Sulawesi and Makassar, the Indonesian Conference and Convention Association (INCCA), Pacto Convex as the event organizer, Indo Multi Media as the offical media partner, TTG Asia and Venue Magazine as supporting media partners, and

Tiara P.I. Hasibuan Project Leader Pacto Convex Ltd. Tel: (62-21) 570 5800 Ext. 214 Fax: (62-21) 570 5798 Email: Website:

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Graphic artist fuses art with green spirit

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 11/10/08 0 komentar

Indonesia is rich with artists, but only few are women, and there are not many female students in faculties of fine art at universities around the country either.

And among the few female art students, most of them are focussed in batik or fashion design.

While performance art faculties are full of talented, young women, often one must search hard for them in the painting, graphic arts and sculpture departments.

And the few that have the courage to study fine arts to become artists often loose their ambition after marriage or child birth.

Art works by female artists are a rare sight at exhibitions in and around Yogyakarta. For this reason, we must cherish the few woman artists there are.

Karina Putri Hariyanto is one of the country's promising, young female artists.

Originally from Surakarta in Central Java, Karina left her family to study graphic arts at the Institute of Arts (ISI) in Yogyakarta.

For Karina, graphic art was not a substitute choice, as it was for many other ISI students who were not accepted into the painting department -- rather, it was a conscious decision.

Being ambitious and hard-working, Karina considers her current course (to obtain a bachelor's degree in art) as the first step in her artistic and academic career.

Karina is not only a hard-working and creative artist, she is also a brave, young woman who took up a challenge to exhibit her work in a solo exhibition in April 2008 at Art Caf* in Phnom Penh, Cambodia -- offered to her while she was still in her initial phase of study.

Her solo exhibition was part of an intra-cultural exchange project organized by Tembi House of Culture, Yogyakarta.

In a country like Cambodia, where contemporary art is still in its "baby shoes", Karina's expressive graphic prints gave new inspiration and spirit to young Cambodian artists.

As part of the same project, Karina will hold her second solo exhibition, titled "The journey to achieve one's dreams starts with the smallest step", at Tembi House of Culture in Jakarta, starting next week (Nov. 13).

Karina will exhibit new works with topics related to her dreams and ambitions, giving a rare account of a young Indonesian woman's thoughts and psyche.

Visitors to the upcoming exhibition will get a glimpse of some interesting graphic art in the form of Karina's highly skilled woodcut prints, but will also see a perspective of Indonesian contemporary society and culture.

Karina's work can be counted among the tiny group of young female Indonesian artists who create work which is not "pretty" or decorative -- work that expresses the innermost voice of the female soul.

Karina's work reminds one of the perpetually self-reflecting Mexican artist Frida Kahlo, who painted her inner worlds, thoughts and fears.

While Karina uses more subtle symbols and somewhat less personal pictures, her bravery to expose the inner-self to the outside world can be found in her work too.

The work of Karina Putri sets a good example for young Indonesian women in their struggle to position themselves between tradition and modernity without loosing their uniqueness.

Each carved line in Karina's artwork expresses the gentle fight to be accepted, not only as a woman making art, but as an artist as such.

Karina is not only active in creating new pieces of graphic art, but is also concerned about how to protect our environment.

Consequently, she recently started combining her art work with her urge to contribute to saving our environment and making the earth a better place, by producing home-made shopping bags from cotton, each personalized with one of her art works.

"The journey to achieve one's dreams starts with the smallest step", a solo exhibition by Karina Putri Hariyanto. At Tembi House of Culture, Jl. Gandaria I/47B, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Opens Nov. 13, 2008.

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Indonesia-bound tourists ignore warnings

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 0 komentar
PEOPLE flying to Bali yesterday said they would not let the possibility of revenge attacks stop them from holidaying on the island.
 Despite the Federal Government advising people bound for Bali to reconsider their travel plans, passengers waiting to check in at Melbourne Airport for the 10.55am Garuda Airlines flight to Denpasar, Bali's capital, were philosophical about the possible dangers.
 "It made us quite anxious, but we're not going to let the bastards beat us," said Dot McGuiness, who was travelling with her husband, Barry, to a "gated resort". "The wills are up to date, though."
 Other travellers noted that although the Government had asked people to reconsider going to Bali, it had not raised its travel advisory to the next, and highest, level.
 "If the Government was really concerned, they would have upgraded the warning," said Pat Barber, who is staying with three friends near Kuta, the site of the 2002 bombings.
 "Look at other countries; I think the USA has actually downgraded its warning."
 The Federal Government said yesterday it had "credible information" terrorists could be planning attacks as revenge for the executions.
 "The executions could prompt a strong reaction from their supporters such as demonstrations, acts of violence and reprisal attacks," a travel advisory said.
 "You should exercise great care, particularly around locations that have a low level of protective security, including where Western tourists gather such as beaches, bars, malls and other venues associated with foreign interests."
 The Government referred specifically to young people holidaying in Bali for "schoolies" holidays in the next few weeks, advising them to "exercise heightened caution".
 The threat level remains the second highest of five, with the Government asking people to "reconsider your need to travel". The highest level is "do not travel".
 A spokesman for Garuda Airlines, Kerry Timms, said the prospect of the bombers' executions had not dampened people's willingness to travel to Bali.
 "(The execution) has been on the cards for some time, but there have been hardly any cancellations," he said.
 "Most people have already made a decision about the environment. Our loads outward bound have been really strong."
 Friends Sarah O'Connell and Vanessa Smith said they discussed cancelling their trip about two weeks ago, but decided they would take the risk.
 "Anything can happen wherever you go," Ms O'Connell said. "It could happen to you at Flinders Street station."
 "If it really was a big deal, the Government would have raised the travel warning."
 Surfer Daniel Shergold described his attitude to the possibility of a terrorist attack as "when your time's up, your time's up".
 Mr Shergold said he would be passing through Bali on his way to the nearby mainly Muslim island of Lombok.
 "I'd be more worried about someone there attacking me in the street with a machete than I would be about bombings," he said.
 "But I really don't think at this stage that anything's going to happen."
 Australian travel advisory aletts
 1. Be alert to your own security
 2. Exercise caution and monitor developments that might affect your safety
 3. Exercise a high degree of caution
 4. Reconsider your need to travel - Indonesia, including Bali, is at this level
 5. Advised not to travel

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