Showing posts with label news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Solo Paragon Hotel and Residence Operates August 2010

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 7/14/10 0 komentar
Paragon Hotel Solo in Solo, Central Java, began operations in August. Four star hotel located in Jalan Dr. Soetomo, Solo City, will be managed by Tauzia Hotel Management. During this Tauzia known manage Hotel Harris.

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Swimming with sharks on undisturbed Karimun

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 10/16/08 0 komentar
Agustina Wayansari and Novan Iman Santosa, The Jakarta Post, Karimun Jawa, Central Java

A convoy of vehicles, from cars to becak (pedicabs), disturbed a sedate Saturday afternoon on Karimun Jawa Island.
They took up position on the jetty in anticipation of the arrival of the Muria ferry from Jepara, part of the twice weekly service connecting the island and the Java mainland.

Karimun Jawa and 26 other islands are a district of Central Java's Jepara regency, divided into three subdistricts with a total population of some 4,000 families. Most are fishermen.

Located north of Jepara, Karimun Jawa is the main inhabited island, but there are also settlements on nearby Kemojan as well as Parang and Nyamuk islands.

Public facilities are limited, with only one junior high school (most students continue their education in Jepara).
Telephone service is limited to Karimun Jawa, with cellular phone access a goal for the future.

But part of the islands' potential tourist attraction is this remote, undisturbed quality, a relatively short distance from Java, one of the world's most crowded islands.
There are many diving sites around the islands, including shipwrecks.

Just across from the Karimun Jawa harbor, there is also a shark nursery on Menjangan Besar Island, which currently houses 10 black sharks.

""It is quite easy to take care of these baby sharks,"" said Mrs. Sum who is responsible for the nursery.
""We only need to feed them 3-4 times a week, with 10 kilograms of fish at each feeding time.""

She added that Jakarta's Seaworld had acquired two white sharks from the nursery for its collection.

In contrast to white sharks, black ones are more passive and calm. A snorkling session with them proved that they are indeed retiring creatures.

In fact, they swam away.
There are also barracuda and carp in the nursery.
""These fish are for guests who are staying in the cottages,"" she said.

The cottages are simple and cheap, costing only Rp 45,000 (US$5.48) per night.

Karimun Jawa is home to the Kura-Kura Hotel and Hotel Wisata. Kura-Kura Hotel is owned by the Central Java provincial administration and managed by Kura-Kura Resort.

Hotel Wisata is owned and managed by the Jepara regency administration. A Kura-Kura Hotel staff member, Syaiful, told The Jakarta Post that the local administration should focus on developing the area to draw tourists.

""Providing hotels alone is not enough and the authorities must also improve the access here,"" he said.
""I heard that they will operate a fast ferry next year which only takes three hours instead of eight.""

The local fishermen also rent out their boats for visitors to cruise around the islands, with fares ranging from Rp 100,000 to Rp 200,000 depending on the length of the ride.

Promotions are needed to get the word out to prospective visitors.

For those who do make it to these parts, there are not many souvenirs to choose from. There are handicrafts made of seashells, such as key chains, pins and boxes, but the quality needs to be improved.

The island is also known for Dewa Daru wood which is believed to have powers as an amulet. The problem is the wood is believed to be so sacred that no ships or planes will carry it on board.

A special ceremony is mandated to ask permission from the spirits who are said to guard the island and the wood.

With or without tempting souvenirs, a visit to this pristine island is worth all the hassle of getting there.
Source :

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Sembilan Obyek Wisata Andalan Grobogan

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 9/24/08 0 komentar
GROBOGAN, SABTU - Kabupaten Grobogan kini memiliki sembilan objek wisata andalan. Kesembilan obyek wisata itu perlu ditawarkan kepada investor sehingga bisa untuk memacu pendapatan asli daerah.

Wakil Ketua Komisi C DPRD Kabupaten Grobogan, Agus Ssiswato, Kamis (4/9), mengatakan, sembilan objek wisata itu sudah diprofilkan melalui video visual dan cukup representatif ditawarkan kepada investor untuk mengelola objek wisata di daerah ini.

Menurut dia, kendati objek wisata di daerahnya cukup potensial, namun belum bisa menghasilkan pendapatan secara maksimal, hal ini terbukti tiga tahun terakhir ini pendapatan sektor pariwisata masih minim.

Sembilan objek wisata di Grobogan yang potensial unuk digarap maksimal yakni Bledug Kuwu, Waduk Kedung Ombo, Goa Macan dan Goa Lawa, air terjun Widuri, Api Abadi Mrapen, Makam Ki Ageng Selo, Ki Ageng Joko Tarub, dan Ki Ageng Lembu Peteng.

Obyek wisata alam dan religius ini, menurut dia, masih menjadi andalan. "Mudah-mudahan dengan mengemas profil melalui video visual ini akan bisa mampu menarik investor," katanya.

Ia menjelaskan kawasan objek wisata Bledug Kuwu di Kradenan seluas 6 hektare ini memiliki keunikan, karena letupan lumpur setinggi delapan meter dan mengandung air garam bisa bermanfaat untuk bahan pembuatan garam dengan kualitas yang baik.

Bahkan, konon ceritanya adanya Bledug Kuwu disebabkan lobang yang menghubungkan tempat Bledug Kuwu dengan Samudra Selatan, karena zaman dahulu Joko Linglung anak dari Aji Soko yang berujud ular naga melakukan perjalanan dari Laut Selatan menuju kerajaan Modang Kamolan melalui bawah tanah, sehingga muncul lumpur di Kerajaan Modang Kamolan tersebut.

Objek wisata itu cukup menarik apabila dikelola profesional. Untuk itu, ia berharap ada investor yang tertarik menanamkan modalnya mengelola objek wisata di Grobogan, kendati saat ini pendapatan sektor pariwisata masih minim,

Ia menyebutkan, pendapatan sektor pariwisata tahun 2004 hanya mampu menghasilkan Rp50 juta, tahun 2005 meningkat menjadi Rp63 juta dan tahun 2006 menghimpun masukan Rp65 juta. Padahal, setiap tahun melalui APBD Kabupaten Grobogan dianggarkan dana sekitar Rp100 juta untuk merawat objek wisata.
Source : Kompas

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Whale often Appear in Gunung Kidul

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 9/23/08 0 komentar
Kompas Saturday, 20 September 2008 | 07:56 WIB

YOGYAKARTA,Saturday - The Gunung Kidul regency, Yogyakarta, located in the south coast of the Java Island kept several potentials for the coastal tour. After Baron's Coast, Krakal, and Silt, began to be popular, there was one coast more that this beauty was still being hidden. The Panggang coast his name. This coast had beauty of the sea panorama took the form of the trough that water was clear so as the fauna of sea was seen clear.

The "local trench often become the place stopped over the big fish like the spotted pope, the shark and the dolphin." However, to enjoy beauty in the sea must be seen from rock steep be as high as 100 metre from the foundation of the coast, said Chairman Kontak Tani the Fisherman the Mainstay (KTNA) DIY Bambang Wibowo in Yogyakarta, on Friday (19/9).

According to him, this region was found unintentionally by the KTNA DIY team that was re-educateing the Roasted fishermen of the coastal region, Gunungkidul. They said in the local sea region often was made the place of the meeting of big fish. "Traditional fishermen often fished from rock same often saw several big fish gathered in this sea region," he said.

Therefore, according to him, if the local sea region as the tourist attraction, believed in will be liked by tourists. He said the sea region with the panorama like that was believed in was the only one all along the south coast of DIY. "if built with a good tourist infrastructure , this region could be put into the list" of the "special interest tour," he said.

According to him, unfortunately in order to heads the region was not easy, and to be able to see the fauna of sea must from above rock that was high enough.

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The axis of Yogya-Solo as Centres Creatives Industry

Posted by Lambang Insiwarifianto 9/22/08 0 komentar
The government had finally realised the important role of the creative industry for the national economy. This was realised by compiling the development action plan of the creative industry with the sector target of this industry will contribute the gross domestic product of 7-8 percent during 2015. Nationally, the creative industrial contribution towards the quite significant economy, for example 10 percent national of the export figure was contributed by the sector of the creative industry

Moreover, this sector absorbed manpower of 5.4 million people. There were 14 creative industrial subsectors that became the creative economic prop in Indonesia, that is advertising, the publication and the printing house, television and radio, the film, the video and photography, music, performance art, architecture, the design, fesyen, diligence, the art object market, the interactive game, the computer service, and software, as well as research and development. Was based on 14 subsectors, then the development blueprint of the creative industry was compiled by the government.

Several areas in Indonesia had the potential for the creative industry. Central Java and in Yogyakarta was two provinces that were potential as creative industrial centres. The Central Javan province was represented by the Solo City, whereas for the DIY Province almost all the regencies/the city could become the centre of the creative industry.

Based on the data from the Perindustrian Service, Perdagangan and the Co-operative of Kota Surakarta, one of the biggest contributors from the export figure of the Surakarta City was furniture and furnitur, including inside the handicraft. Moreover, the growth of the subsector, the publication and the printing house of the advertising industry, as well as performance art of the lustre in this city. The Yogyakarta city had the potential that was bigger in relation to the creative industry. Almost all the supporting subsectors of the creative industry developed fast in this city. For example, for the musical industry, the Yogyakarta City was with Bandung and Jakarta was the centre of the musical industry indie the label

Main Support
The main supporting factor from the creative industry was quality human resources. Human resources that were needed in the creative industry were human resources multiskill or had the expertise more than one. Greenberg and the Baron (2000) said, competence multiskill that must be had by human resources (human resources) in the organisation of the contemporary business was the understanding about the business, the capacity developed the network (networking), the technological command, the team's co-operation, the communication capacity and mengonstruksi the idea. Moreover, was increased by having the spirit of entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship).

The problem developed the human resources capacity like that was not easy. The experience showed, human resources in the creative industry emerged not as results of the educational agency, but the combination between intelligence, the background of education, and the experience. In the concept of the business, this was mentioned with tacit knowledge, that is something that was valuable that was received by someone from the experience, intuition or studied (Tapscott, 1998). Yogyakarta had many human resources with tacit knowledge high. We could see the character of the creative business that developed in this city. The business and software of the computer service in the Yogyakarta City developed fast.

At the end of the 1990 's, negatively this city had become the "capital carding Indonesia" because of the brightness of the crime of the online expenses that was carried out by the young Yogyakarta child. At this time, their creativity already tersalur more positive by becoming the consultant or entering the research industry and the development. The Solo city had the supporting factor that was different in relation to the development of the creative industry. The Solo city had the factor of entrepreneurship of the supporter of the characteristics of his resident. This city more bertipikal the business city with the main product furniture-furnitur and diligence. The development of batik with the concept of the Batik Laweyan Village was the supporting factor that has appeared real in the development of the creative industry in the Solo City. The other supporting factor from the creative industry in the Solo City was the regional government's support. The government of the Solo City every year always held event was of national standard and international with the main aim of promoting this city as well as his product. Event national and international this could become the promotion media for the creative industry of the Solo City.

The hindrance and synergy
The development of the creative industry in Solo-Yogya not without the hindrance. The biggest hindrance from the development of the creative industry was the appreciation towards the patent and copyright. The creative industry was related to the innovation that was carried out by the company. This had tight relationship to the research and the development that were carried out by the company/the businessman. In a business, then the research cost and the development took the big portion. This big cost consisted of the cost financially but also opportunity cost. The research cost and this big development were the risk so as to have to be minimised. Minimasasi the risk from the research and the development was the protection for copyright and patent rights. The protection for copyright and patent rights will guarantee creative industrial persistence.

The second hindrance was from the economical scale. This was caused by the basic characteristics of the creative industry was give priority to value for the consumer. The creative industry could not use the pattern of the mass production, but mass customization because of the characteristics of his product that was unique. The Solo city and Yogya needed the other factor to support the development of the creative industry, that is synergy antarpela I in the industry. The perpetrators in the industry that was meant here to be the businessman and the government. The businessman more found it easy to carry out synergy because their motivation was the profit. Therefore, while having the profit that was hoped for, synergy must be carried out. Intergovernmental synergy the area more was difficult to be done because of being related to the interests of regional politics and the sectoral ego. This became the challenge in the development of the creative industry in Solo-Yogya.

Anton A Setyawan Dosen Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

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